Monday, September 08, 2008

3rd July 2008 - London Diary

At about 1.45 am, I reached home (as in the new home), after almost two hours drive from the airport. It's in 3rd zone, a place in East London called Manor Park. Central London, where my college (is) in 1st zone.

Neither the interiors nor the exteriors are pretty much different from what it was in Doha. Every little thing is exactly the same. Only notable difference is the British architecture and the low height fences. Much similar to Kerala - model of roofing - tiles and all.

And at 2 am, I call my father. He greets the phone with a 'good morning' and I tell him, 'Acha, I am here... finally! Safe and sound!!'. Then I sink into the bed made out for me. Its early morning back home.

7 a.m. The following morning. Its been at least more than an hour since I woke up. And I'm still in the bed staring at the false ceiling.

I'll not be able to join the April batch. I will have to wait for the classes to begin on the July 28th. That's the next batch. As of now they have offered to help me find a job. I can't work for more than 20 hours, legally.

7.45 am. I finally drag myself out of my bed. Half of the house is sleeping still.

I tiptoe to the living room. Huge, heavily cushioned sofas have kind of filled up the whole space. I check out the DVDs lying on the floor. 'Shaurya', the latest offering on the Indian Army from the Bollywood. I've been wanting to watch this one since the last two months. And well, here it is now.

Looking out from the window I feel just the same like in Doha. Only there are'n't big fort-like walls around. There are very small (knee-height) fences instead. The way cars are parked and the villas constructed very close to each other, looks pretty much the same.

Every now and then I hear trains passing by. The nearest railway station, Manor Park station, is just a block away. It's mid summer here. Yet, it's quite cold out here. Time and again, it keeps drizzling. Suddenly, I miss her.

I take out my phone and call her, and find a little comfort from across the world.