Thursday, June 28, 2007
Vicious circle
You just can't help certain things from happening in your life.
The lock of hair.
She looked at me surprised when I pulled out a single lock of hair.
‘Ouch’, she said, echoing the hurt she had on her face. But it only added to my amusement as I wound it up on my finger.
You just can’t help doing the craziest thing when you are in the company of the woman you love.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Living with a lie...
And even terrible is ... to be once in, and then out...
But could anything be worse than being in one... and all the time wanting to get out of it??
Missing you...
'I know....'
'I know....'
'I know....'
'I know....'
Still I miss you....
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
An attempt to make it better...
A pity?! Since I basically write for a living.
Initially when I began toying with the idea… of having enough (in mind?) to fill out a paper… I wasn’t quite sure as where to start…
Much before getting initiated, while still a little boy, I used to wonder, though mostly not extending my thoughts beyond what the elders preached and the books prescribed, how could someone 'write', just like that, as they (the elders) say…
‘You don’t have to put an effort and think about writing… it’ll come to you when it has to’, they’d say. They probably meant to wait for the right moment to begin… Or may be, they didn’t… but I’d never know… I never quite understood them well enough…
Quite a few kindly ones told me not to think too hard. And some others said thoughts came to us on its own…and on their (the thoughts) arrival, writing them down wouldn't take much effort… And that was what writing’s all about…
But then ...
Are there supposed to be thoughts of any kind at all in the first place (I mean… initially, I never had any to begin with)?? Then how could anyone write without having thoughts of any kind in mind? And if so, where did these so-called thoughts come from?? Did they originate on their own (from God knows where)?? And when it happened, how do you make out if these were good enough to be written down??
To be shamelessly (?!) honest, I even had some utterly stupid doubts like if they (thoughts) had any connection with the pen or pencil or whatever… writing instruments and if they depended on the quality of paper used??
Today looking back, I feel I haven’t changed much. I still am (very much) doubtful and tensed before beginning to write (Or, conceive) anything at all. Since at most times, these aren’t (unlike the kind they mentioned) unforced ones, but results of a much-screwed-up-mental-obligation. Which is why, perhaps, I have always been in awe of all of them who can write better. For that matter, do anything better than me. Anything at all...
These days, I do not wait for the thoughts to come to me. More than that, I really can’t afford to. Force writing thoughts, ideas and solutions, to meet the deadlines, have become a way of life. So much so, that mind has started to switch off completely when not faced with pressure of any form.
And as for thoughts that dare (to break the rules), I find them arriving at the most unseemly hours, quite disappointing (and irritating) me, for being not in a position to actually pen them down, at times when I am driving, or watching a movie in a dark cinema hall, or while I’m in bed, too lazy to give up the comfort, even for a second, and actually loosing (my blog entries, mostly, are the ones I managed to recover) them from memory forever.
So...why, ask me, am I into this now? Writing, that is?!
The reason is simple. Out of a compulsive realization. That forced me into believing there’s nothing else I could do better for a living. The realization of the fact that, good or bad, nothing else would get me the recognition I deserve.
And that realization remains my only strength!Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I couldn't, at the time, give them a proper answer... But then, how could anyone... Its something which can only be felt, and never be explained...
A contradiction??
But do I contradict myself when I say so?....
Woman. The mother of man.
The woman is the mother...
However great and powerful may the man be, he can never be the mother... So woman should be respected...
Even in a relation, the pleasure is always mutual... but the pain that follows is not... which makes it just why she should be respected....
The betrayal
Friday, June 22, 2007
Ani. My little brother...
My guardian angel
‘Off course monu, I’m listening…Go on… And then…?’‘Well, then… Tell me where was I?’
'Monu, go on… Its good to hear you talk…’
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Convoluted reality
A concept that we call love..
Then we fell out of love...
In between, though, no love was lost ...
Hell... so, when did we 'love'?
Game of love?
A flash back?
A vague and misty vision of an uncertain future hovered about me then... Directions were marked clearly towards everywhere... But none of them seemed to take me anywhere...
Broken Dreams
The book called ‘Penmarric’...
The book called ‘Penmarric’, that I lost (irrecoverably, at that...) to a very dear friend of mine, familiarized me with quite a few nuances of normal life at a very tender age... My voice hadn't even cracked up properly...
The real human weaknesses (Or, abilities?!), so to say… Words (or, should we call them concepts?) like jealously, greed, back-biting, love affairs, seduction, adultery, illegitimacy, inheritance (a far cry from my father’s ideologies) struck right across my face...
Not that they meant much to me then, but at an age I wasn’t too prepared to handle it all came the realization they don’t exist only in books and movies, but are very much around us. Very much, indeed...!
A complete family
The pimple
Only I was too scared of breaking it...
Things were cracking up then... I guess...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Apocalypse ... Now??
Monsoons in Cochin
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A moment's pleasure...
Maybe she'd wanted this...
Or, may be he'd forced it on her...
And as he watched her in glowing moonlight, she stirred in her sleep...
A faint smile appeared on her face... Or, was that a figment of his imagination??
Tainted intellect...
All she knows ... is to strain her eyes through her tainted glasses... looking at the so called man's society.... And paint the world with the colour of her dirty mind...
She calls herself a writer and claims to be an intellect... And always get away with her histrionics?!... by calling her critics jealous losers who could never make it as writers...!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Reasons.... Ahh.... Reasons....!!!
"Its not your fault, I am delibrately not calling you..."
"I am punishing myself..."
"I am stopping myself from not calling you..."
"I admit, it's all my mistake..."
"But I am controlling myself..."
"To hell with you and your reasons.....All you have ever done is drive me crazy, girl.... So pray, never call me again!!!"
The Break up..
Saturday, June 16, 2007
All those who died,
So that you and I live...!!
All those who fought
so that you and I are safe..!
All those who suffered
So that you and I enjoy...!!!
Exercise your freedom. Express your joy.
This is an old entry. Not quite sure (which is why I labeled it as 'quote', to be on the safe side) if I wrote this for some advertising campaign, which is quite unlikely. Or, did I simply copy it from some where...
A big compromise... called life.
For the sake of it, I dint really go on with the flow... as the time demands... I hate adjustments... I am scared of it lest it may turn my life into one big adjustment...
A compromise isn't what I bargained for afterall...
You. My love.
Your mysteriousness.
Your silence.
I know nothing about you more than this. And may be, that's what I love about you.
The beautiful one
'Its a dream', I answered, 'Its a dream that'll make you the most beautiful person in the world.'
Feel better...?!
I dint call..
She dint call...
I dint call..
She dint call...
I dint call..
She dint call...
I dint call..
She dint call.
I dint call...
Where the hell has love gone??
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
My father had it... His friends in defence had it... Men out of service had it too...
It didn't matter much to her if each of them were after the other's blood... as long as they didn't lay hands on each other...
All she knew was she loved the both of them ... And she didn't want the either of them to be hurt... Not in any way...
Feelings are like butterflies...
In fact, these words exactly cannot describe the addictive, seductional outburst I keep getting from between my ribs...
He trailed his finger along 'n' traced it out...
Her name.. his passion... his love!!!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Him. The orphan.
His parents now were both strict, possessive and loving ones.. (as every parents are supposed to be...)
When his original parents died, he does not remember who they were... he had never known them enough... to remember... But he surely knows for a fact that the parents he now had, were not related to him by blood...
But this never stopped him from loving them as his own... He was just so happy with them being loved, cared and even punished...
My mate...
Them. Those pseudos! Them. The crack pots!!
My gift. My lost love.
Maybe it'll still have a place in my heart...
Maybe I'll still place it on my mentleshelf.... along with the other curios and artifacts... and antiques...
As reminder of a paradise I never gained... as remainder of a dream I once had... and as... I dont know what else... To console me, myself....that it was mine afterall... and it still meant a lot to me!!
My biological father..
With all the flaws and pluses, he is still the one I would want to call 'father'. And believe in too... I mean, if out of the blue I get to know... that my biological father isn't him, I still wouldn't want another person as my father...
I love him... and hate him ....for all that he is...and he is not....
Not because he has officially been married to my mother... Not because he is the reason why my mother got pregnant and gave birth to me... Not because I have the liberty of using his name as my surname..
But 'coz he is the one my mind believes in. And my heart recognises. To me, he is the greatest man on the earth. For all the happiness and pain that he gave me in my growing years, I can never thank him enough ... Maybe the fact, I haven't known (as probably I have known my father) my mother well enough has something to do with it...
Once a character in a film that I saw had a doubt (about the actual reason of her birth)... was it out of love or were they only fulfilling their body needs... I never had any such doubt... I don't know why but I never considered that side of the story...
I'm only thankful to him that I'm here... alive and happy kicking...!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Am I doing it for the sake of it??
Street dwellers...
They eat rotten food.
They sleep at traffic signals.
They have sex in the open.
Whatever means 'future' to them..??
Do they ever think??
Do they ever dream??
But then they seem all contented...
Am I being myopic?? Or is there more to it than meets the eye??